Your quote should be 4 lines long. It doesn't have to be a quote either, it could be a greeting to readers.
Hello! You are viewing yukoki's Multi-Page [02], by the name of Suikomu or 吸い込む (it means 'inhale'). This page comes with a space for an about me section (which you're currently viewing), a tagslist/navigation section, a blogroll, and an FAQ page with the ask box below it.

The about section comes with a quote and a bio section. The quote must be 4 lines long. The bio section can be as long as you'd like, and a scrollbar appears when it gets too long.

The 'wander' section is your navigation/tags section. Add a category, and the tags go underneath it. You can have three different category background colours!

The blogroll section obviously displays your blogroll, or all the people whom you follow.

And whisper brings you to your faq+ask box page! You can add as many faq questions as you'd like. Keep in mind that you don't have to retain the same format I have currently up for how the faq might look -- Feel free to go crazy and do whatever you'd like. Please note that for your ask box to work, you do have to key in your url in the appropriate area!

Content credits go to maruti-bitamin. Background by Victor Bykov. Made with the help of str-wrs' sliding viewer tutorial!

{block:Following} {block:Followed} {/block:Followed} {/block:Following}
01 Can you tell me about this page?

The page's name is Multi-Page [02] Unmei. It features an about me section, a navigate/tagslist section, a blogroll, and an faq+ask box.
02 Where can I get the code for it?

From this pastebin paste. If you can't access it due to pastebin being blocked, send me a message and I'll send you a different code.
03 How do I install this page?

At the paste, click the little clipboard icon and copy the entire code to your clipboard. Next, go to your customize page, scroll down and click + Create a new page. Set the page type to Custom CSS, and use ctrl+v to paste down the copied code. [Visit here for more detailed instructions.
04 The art used is so nice! Who is the artist?

maruti-bitamin of tumblr!